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PUBG : BATTLE GROUND is an online multiplayers battle royale game devloped and published by PUBG studios. the game is based on previous mods á¹­hat we are created by brenden "players unknown" greene for other games, inspired by japanese film battle royale. in the game, upto 100 players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipments to kill other while avoiding getting killed themselves. the avialable safe area of game's map decrease in size over time. directing surviving players into tighter areas to force encounter. the last surviving player (or team) win the round. this is the first game in the series, named PUBG MOBILE.

PUBG recieved positive reviews from critics,who found that while the game had some technical flaws. it prevented some new types of gameplay that could be easily approached by players of any skills level and was highly replayable. the game was attribute to popularizing the battle royale genre, with a number of unofficial chinese clones also being produced following it success. the game received several game of the year nominations, among other accolades. PUBG corporation has run some several small tournaments. as they wish for it to become a popular esport


PUBG is a player versus player shooter game in which up to one hundred players fight in a battle royale, a type of large-scale last man standing deathmatch where player fight to remain the last alive. player can choose to enter the match solo,duo, or with a small team of up to four people. the last person or team alive win the match 

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a last man standing shooter game. The player can use weapons and equipment to kill the other players. There are many different environment in the game which include forests, deserts, mountains and more.

PUBG is an online multiplayer battle royale game. Players are placed in a map and the players start out without any equipment. The players must then search for weapons in order to kill other players or be the last man standing.

The map will gradually shrink, thus forcing remaining players into tighter spaces, making encounters much more frequent. The last player or team alive wins the game.

Pubg is a game where players are to use strategy and stealth to survive on a massive map. To do this, they need to find weapons, ammo and other supplies while eluding or killing the opponents.

In this section of content I will outline the gameplay of pubg, including how you earn in-game currency, make sure you understand the game's mechanics, and learn about all the different types of weapons available for purchase in-game.


YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FROM HERE:-  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pubg.imobile


Pubg is one of the best example of game design as it has all that it needs to satisfy a broad set of gamers.

Designing a video game is an art, which takes years and years of expertise to perfect. The most important aspect while creating a video game is how it will look and play. This can be done through the power of imagination or by looking at other big-name games.

The gameplay mechanics are very important in determining how fun a particular game can be. They are what make the difference between games that people play for fifteen minutes and forget about and those that people play for hours on end.

Players of pubg can now design their own character and clothing using the preset templates.

Designers can choose whether they want to create a man or woman, body type, hair style, skin color and clothing. The customization process is simple and easy. 

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